Warning for delegates: booking your hotel for FlyPharma US


We would like to make all delegates aware that an outside booking agency (telephone number +1 888 511 7396) has been contacting delegates without our knowledge, regarding making a booking with Miami International Airport Hotel for the upcoming FlyPharma Conference US. Samedan Ltd and FlyPharma US are not connected to any hotel booking agency and we would like to warn delegates to act with caution if approached and do not give your card details to this company.

To book a room, please email Nora Garrido on NGarrido@miami-airport.com and quote ‘FlyPharma US’. Miami International Airport Hotel is kindly offering a discounted rate of $149.00 plus tax for either a King room or a room with two Queen Beds. All rooms include breakfast and Wi-Fi.

Please contact charlotte@samedanltd.com if you have any questions at all.